Monthly Archives: January 2015

Error getting container device or resource busy

Error response from daemon: Cannot start container cen7: Error getting container ff4ec8b079fd6c00d5683cb6d5af1692058a0ba286b0e84649d7d25425f9f650 from driver devicemapper: Error mounting ‘/dev/mapper/docker-253:0-1844937-ff4ec8b079fd6c00d5683cb6d5af1692058a0ba286b0e84649d7d25425f9f650’ on ‘/var/lib/docker/devicemapper/mnt/ff4ec8b079fd6c00d5683cb6d5af1692058a0ba286b0e84649d7d25425f9f650’: device or resource busy
FATA[0000] Error: failed to start one or more containers

sudo umpunt /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/mnt/ff4ec8b079fd6c00d5683cb6d5af1692058a0ba286b0e84649d7d25425f9f650


Holland is an Open Source backup framework originally developed by Rackspace and written in Python. It’s goal is to help facilitate backing up databases with greater configurability, consistency, and ease. Holland currently focuses on MySQL, however future development will include other database platforms and even non-database related applications. Because of it’s plugin structure, Holland can be used to backup anything you want by whatever means you want.